Shaun Williams

Company: The Cellar Door

Shaun Williams is an accomplished drama teacher and performing artist who has trained under many senior drama professionals such as Prabhat Bhaskaran, Sankar Venkateswaran, Daniel Oldman and H.Tomba. He has been exposed to varied and unique theatrical traditions styles such as Improvisational Comedy, Kalaripayattu, Butoh, Clowning, Ensemble theatre, Physical theatre and more. He is also an actor, and has appeared on stage and in TV commercials for brands such as Imperial Blue, Idea Cellular, Vodafone,, KFC and Volkswagen. He has worked with various institutions all over India, such as The Cathedral and John Connon school, MICA. He has just started two YouTube channels in which he plans to explore literature and the teaching world in a fun and light way.

Event Description:Investigate, Interpret, Adapt, Perform
There is a story lurking all around us. A creator / writer can create a story out of nothing or out of seemingly mundane objects or even out of emotions. In this session we will explore collaborative story creation without the usual pen and paper (or keyboard). This session will end with performances based on those stories that the group has created.

Top five book recommendations for middle schoolers:

To Email Shaun click here

Click on the links below to visit his social media pages:
YouTube Channels: Lit Life and Teacher Life